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Showing posts from January, 2010


At the movies today I got up close and personal with a great movie poster ... this is approximately a third of the poster for Alice in Wonderland. I particularly loved the addition of a library book in Wonderland! There are some really lovely details in the rest of the poster as well.

A Sinking Feeling

Having felt, like the Duchess of Bedford, that 'sinking feeling' around 3pm in the afternoon, we decided to partake in an Afternoon Tea at the Peninsula Tea Gardens . The food was very good, the tea lovely, but the real luxury of the experience was the surroundings of Tranby House and the amazing silver service and fine china. I know I could cook an even more exquisite lot of quiches, cakes and sandwiches; but the scones were exceptional and the weight of silver spoons, water jugs and tea strainers would have me back there again and again.


A day like today, with a hot dry breeze demands a few things: 1. Staying on the beach until long past sunset, 2. Reading an excellent book until the light REALLY runs out, and 3. A few good minutes spent sifting the sand for treasures from the sea.